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A few weeks ago we introduced a new strategy to our members. While a double diagonal spread is a well known strategy, we are...
This article will shows how this works, and how IV can affect your decision on what type of trade to open. Directional Spreads Let’s...
Insider Buying and Selling In doing so we are competing with quant-based analysis that is poring hundreds of millions of dollars into similar things...
Ratio trading the earnings Everyone knows what a ratio trade is right? A ratio can be found in many shapes, forms and directions, the...
Performance Dissected Check out the Performance page to see the full results. Please note that those results are based on real fills, not hypothetical...
This skill is about blending analytical prowess with a dash of intuition. Think of it as chess, but the pieces are stocks, bonds, and...
In both cases a (usually near the money) option is sold and used to partially fund the purchase of two (or more) out of...
Introduction To The Long Put Strategy Options are used by investors to take advantage of a wide range of projections on the state of...
Introduction Options can provide investors with an extremely versatile tool that can be used to bet on market direction or changes in volatility levels....
Definition of Delta Hedging Delta hedging is a strategy in which an investor hedges the risk of a price fluctuation in an option by...